For Attorneys
We can assist where most
examiners can NOT:
...copies of actual submitted research that has
assisted polygraph evidence to be admitted
...strong immigration-research library
...copies of judge's court orders
to allow access to examinees in
large-city detention facilities
(no need to 'reinvent the wheel';
we have applications and court orders
that have actually been fully successful!)
...experience administering court-
ordered polygraph examinations
...critical review of past polygraph exams
by law-enforcement agencies
and private polygraph examiners
...testimony from an experienced
20-year polygraph examiner
...more actual recent immigration/asylum
testing experience than any other examiner
...the ultra-rare ability to open the computer-polygraph
files of any public or private agency who use ANY of the
four brands of computerized polygraph instruments
(we are the only agency to own at
least one of each of the 4 brands of
computerized polygraph instrument)
...and more!